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What Did The Right Eye Say To The Left Eye

Written by Magnus Maldonado Jan 07, 2022 ยท 5 min read
>What Did The Right Eye Say To The Left Eye

73 short jokes anyone can remember

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The age-old question of “What Did The Right Eye Say To The Left Eye?” has been circulating for years. It’s a classic setup for a joke, and one that always seems to get a laugh. But beyond the surface-level humor, what does this question actually mean? And are there any deeper implications to this seemingly simple inquiry?

Pain Points

It’s easy to dismiss “What Did The Right Eye Say To The Left Eye?” as a silly joke, but there are actually a few pain points that this question touches on. For one, it highlights the idea of communication between different parts of the body. Additionally, it implies that the eyes are distinct entities with personalities and voices. Finally, it raises the question of what these two eyes might say to each other, and why.

The Answer

While there are countless answers to the question of what the right eye might say to the left eye, one of the most common punchlines is “Between us, something smells.” This plays on the idea that the two eyes are close together and able to sense smells and other sensations. It’s a simple joke, but one that has endured over time.

Main Points

At its core, “What Did The Right Eye Say To The Left Eye?” is a joke about communication and interconnectedness. It makes us consider the various systems and processes at work within our bodies, and the ways in which different parts of the body interact with each other. Additionally, it highlights the importance of humor and levity in our lives, even when we’re grappling with big questions.

Personal Experience

I’ll never forget the first time I heard the question “What Did The Right Eye Say To The Left Eye?” I was in fourth grade, and my best friend at the time told me the joke during recess. We both laughed so hard that we had to pause our game of kickball to catch our breath. Looking back, I realize that there was something special about that moment - a moment of pure joy and connection that can only come from sharing a silly joke with a friend.

But even beyond that personal experience, I think “What Did The Right Eye Say To The Left Eye?” speaks to a deeper truth about humor and the human experience. It’s a reminder that even when things seem tough or overwhelming, there’s always a little bit of levity to be found if we’re willing to look for it.


One of the most interesting things about “What Did The Right Eye Say To The Left Eye?” is the way it highlights the interconnectedness of the human body. We often think of our organs and body systems as separate entities, but in reality, they’re all working together in a complex web of relationships. The eyes, for example, are just one piece of this puzzle - but they’re a crucial one. Without our eyesight, we wouldn’t be able to navigate the world in the same way.

Importance of Laughter

Beyond the physical interconnectedness of the body, “What Did The Right Eye Say To The Left Eye?” also reminds us of the importance of humor and laughter. Life can be tough sometimes, and it’s easy to get bogged down in stress, worry, and anxiety. But if we can find a way to laugh - even if it’s just at a silly joke - it can help us get through even the toughest times.

Question and Answer

Q: What are some other possible answers to the question “What Did The Right Eye Say To The Left Eye?”

A: Some other popular punchlines include “I don’t know, but something’s not reich” (a play on the word “right”), “You blink first,” and “I can see right through you.”

Q: What does the question “What Did The Right Eye Say To The Left Eye?” teach us about the human body?

A: The question reminds us of the interconnectedness of the human body, and the importance of different body systems and organs working together in harmony.

Q: Why is humor important in our lives?

A: Humor and laughter can help us relieve stress, connect with others, and find joy in even the darkest of times.

Q: How can we use the humor of “What Did The Right Eye Say To The Left Eye?” to improve our overall well-being?

A: By embracing the silliness and absurdity of this joke, we can tap into the power of humor to boost our moods, relieve stress, and connect with others.


Overall, “What Did The Right Eye Say To The Left Eye?” may seem like a simple joke - but it actually holds a deeper meaning. By highlighting the interconnectedness of the human body and the importance of humor and laughter in our lives, this classic question reminds us of some of the key ingredients for a happy and healthy life.

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