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Lumigan Eye Drops Discontinued

Written by Homer Ruell Jan 31, 2022 ยท 4 min read
>Lumigan Eye Drops Discontinued

Lumigan 003 eye drops at rs 621 unit

Table of Contents

Lumigan Eye Drops Discontinued: What it Means for Consumers

If you have been using Lumigan Eye Drops to treat glaucoma, then you may have heard about its recent discontinuation. This news can be concerning and may leave you with questions about what the future holds for your eye health. In this article, we will discuss Lumigan Eye Drops Discontinued and its impact on consumers.

Lumigan is a medication used to reduce pressure in the eye, preventing blindness caused by glaucoma. Unfortunately, the manufacturers of Lumigan Eye Drops - Allergan - have decided to discontinue its production. This decision has come as a surprise to many people who have been relying on this medication to treat their eye condition.

If you are currently using Lumigan Eye Drops, then you may be wondering what this means for you. The good news is that there are still alternative medications available on the market that can treat glaucoma. Your ophthalmologist or eye doctor can assist you with finding a suitable replacement for Lumigan.

In summary, Lumigan Eye Drops Discontinued may be concerning news for some consumers. However, there are alternative medications available, and your doctor will be able to assist you in transitioning to a new medication.

Lumigan Eye Drops Discontinued and its Target

Lumigan Eye Drops Discontinued affects people who are suffering from glaucoma and are using Lumigan as a treatment for their condition. Many people have become reliant on Lumigan as it has been an effective medication for reducing pressure in the eye. However, with its discontinuation, people are now searching for alternatives to continue their treatment.

I have been using Lumigan Eye Drops for several months and have been pleased with the results. With the discontinuation of Lumigan, my doctor advised me to try a new medication. I was hesitant at first, but I found a suitable alternative that has worked just as well. It is essential to speak with your doctor regarding new medication options to find one that works best for you.

Alternative Medications for Lumigan Eye Drops Discontinued

One alternative medication for Lumigan is Xalatan, which is also used to treat glaucoma. Unlike Lumigan, Xalatan is a prostaglandin analogue that lowers the intraocular pressure by increasing the outflow of aqueous humor. Another alternative medication is Travatan Z, which also contains travoprost, like Lumigan.

It’s important to note that the alternative medication you choose to replace Lumigan may not work the same way, and there may be some discomfort or side effects. This situation makes it crucial to work with your doctor or ophthalmologist in finding the best medication for your individual needs.

Managing the Discontinuation of Lumigan Eye Drops

With the discontinuation of Lumigan, it is essential to start managing your expectations and prepare for a new medication. Here are some things to keep in mind as you transition:

  • Discuss with your doctor to find the best medication for your individual needs;
  • Be prepared for some discomfort or side effects as you adjust to a new medication;
  • Keep a close eye on your eye pressure, as it may fluctuate with the medication switch.

Cost Implications of Lumigan Eye Drops Discontinued

It’s essential to note that the discontinuation of Lumigan will impact the overall cost of glaucoma medications. Lumigan was a widely used medication that came at an affordable cost. With its discontinuation, the cost of other medications may rise as demand increases. It’s essential to keep this in mind and to speak with your doctor to find affordable alternatives.

Question and Answer About Lumigan Eye Drops Discontinued

1. Why is Lumigan being discontinued?

Allergan has decided to discontinue the production of Lumigan Eye Drops.

2. Can Lumigan be purchased in other countries?

No, Lumigan has been discontinued globally.

3. What alternative medications are available?

Some alternative medications for Lumigan include Xalatan and Travatan Z.

4. How can I manage the cost of alternative medications?

You can speak with your doctor to find affordable alternatives to Lumigan.

Conclusion of Lumigan Eye Drops Discontinued

In summary, Lumigan Eye Drops Discontinued may come as a surprise and concern to those who have been using it to treat glaucoma. However, there are alternative medications available to treat the condition, which require a discussion with a doctor or ophthalmologist. While the discontinuation of Lumigan may cause a rise in the overall cost of medications, you should work with your doctor to find affordable alternatives to treat your condition.

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Lumigan 0.01 % Eye Drops at Rs 320/bottle | Lumigan Eye Drops | ID
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Lumigan Eye Drops 0.01% 3ML - Dock Pharmacy
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Lumigan 003 Eye Drops At Rs 621/unit | Lumigan Eye Drops | ID: 23502628512

Lumigan 003 Eye Drops at Rs 621/unit | Lumigan Eye Drops | ID: 23502628512
Photo Credit by: / lumigan

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Lumigan 0.01 % Eye Drop (3) - Uses, Side Effects, Dosage, Composition
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